Stanford University Welcomes Dr. Azim Nanji

Dr. Azim Nanji has joined the Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies as Senior Associate Director in September 2008. In this capacity he is involved in plans to extend the reach of Stanford’s studies in Islam and Muslim societies, giving attention both to on-campus events and also to initiatives for national and international scholarly and student exchange. Nanji will also be a Lecturer in Stanford’s Department of Religious Studies, offering regular courses.

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IIS Director Bids Farewell
Short Biography: Professor Azim Nanji

Author: ismailimail

Independent, civil society media featuring Ismaili Muslim community, inter and intra faith endeavors, achievements and humanitarian works.

6 thoughts

  1. Dr Azim Nanji’s departure from the IIS is a sad one for me. He is my all-time Ismaili intellectual hero in the current era. A quote from one of his articles even made it to my list of quotes on Blogpost Four Hundred, putting him in some seriously venerated company:

    “In sum the process of creation can be said to take place at several levels. Ibda represents the initial level – one transcends history, the other creates it. The spiritual and material realms are not dichotomous, since in the Ismaili formulation, matter and spirit are united under a higher genus and each realm possesses its own hierarchy. Though they require linguistic and rational categories for definition, they represent elements of a whole, and a true understanding of God must also take account of His creation. Such a synthesis is crucial to how the human intellect eventually relates to creation and how it ultimately becomes the instrument for penetrating through history the mystery of the unknowable God implied in the formulation of Tawhid.”(Azim Nanji, Director, Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, U.K., 1998)

    The above quote is taken from a seminal article he wrote on Ismaili Philosophy:

    which, I recently discovered, was a distillation of a much-longer article he wrote in 1990:


  2. This is great, Azim is a brilliant scholar and very humble and highly intelectual. Stanford’s precious acquisition and great loss to IIS. He will certainly be an asset educating the people at Stanford about Islam and the rest of the United States.


  3. Congratulations to Azim Nanji for this prestigious appointment at Stanford. At IIS he brought global attention to the study of Islam and at Stanford, he is going to take Islam’s positive role in history out to the general population and let Islam also take its proper place in the study of world religions. Welcome to California!


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